Saturday, December 30, 2017



Do you go through, or do you go around?
I was walking in a forest the other day and I came across a door, a bit like this one. Actually it was much better; it was taller and narrower and set right on the path,and it had a picture on it of Thing One throwing away a key. It took up only a little of the path, and there were signs that people had gone through it, and gone around it, although presumably not at the same time.
I wish I could include the photo of it, but Blogger has changed its settings on me somehow so I can't publish pictures. It was a very cool little door, on the path, in the forest.
A door is always magical. A door is a cause for a pause. You can't go through a door without a shift in consciousness, even if it is too slight to be noticeable in the business of the day. A door is always a portal, and if induction is as impoverished as Hume says it is, you never really know what is on the other side, even if you have been through it a thousand times.
It is no wonder that the door is such a potent magical symbol. Doors lead us to other realms, Narnia or secret gardens or whole other realities. There are forbidden doors in castles. Open the door and you will never be the same again. Behind the door is always knowledge, whether you want it or not. Entheogens may open psychic doors for us, as may meditation or autonomic driving such as drumming. In songs there is a door to your heart, and maybe even a key. New feelings may live behind that particular door.
When I came to the door in the forest, I could have walked around it without breaking stride. Many others had done so. What do you think I did?  I turned the door knob, of course, and walked through. And the forest laid itself before me, and I walked for three hours in it, and there were rocks and a stream and honeydew on the black beech trunks, and sunshine and shade, and it was good.  


  1. Magic.

    Your post immediately brought to mind the Doors of Perception, but then I recalled a spaceship that had talking doors. I wasn't sure if it was Red Dwarf or Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, but Google confirms the latter.

    Then their are rabbit holes to go down and of course forks in the road you have to take (although maybe in the case of your walk, path branches).

    Thanks for this post. It got the grey matter churning.

  2. You are welcome, Sun of York. I am always interested in liminality and transitions. I wrote some years ago on this blog about the Cross Roads, a post called Adventures In X Space, where I compared Cross Roads Space (X Space) to Library Space (L Space) in Terry Pratchett's Discworld. Of course the Huxley reference is deliberate.
